HACKATHON IS SPONSORED BY SIFT CONSULTANCY                                                                         WIN CASH PRIZE UPTO 50,000                                                                         HACKATHON IS SPONSORED BY SIFT CONSULTANCY                                                                         WIN CASH PRIZE UPTO 50,000

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“With great minds, comes the great ideation and the power to innovate and create something extremely exceptional and solve a problem and make a better life standard!”

Welcome to Bit-Quest, a distinguished hackathon at the forefront of problem-solving and product development. Join us for a collaborative and innovative event where talented minds converge to explore the boundless possibilities of technology. Bit-Quest is not just a competition; it is a platform where participants immerse themselves in a dynamic environment, pushing the boundaries of creativity and technical prowess. Engage with like-minded individuals, tackle real-world challenges, and witness the birth of groundbreaking solutions. Elevate your skills, connect with us, and embark on a journey of discovery at Bit-Quest, where innovation knows no bounds. Show us what you got for a digital and universal change and enlighten a path where less people make it!


  • Bit-Quest is a team event, minimum of two and maximum of three participants are permitted to participate belonging to the same institution respectively.
  • Only one team is allowed.
  • There will be two rounds each consequently, i.e. Prototype design and Solution Presentation.
  • The problem statement might be shared two days before or on the day of the event itself.
  • If any external peripheral devices [e.g. Arduino, Raspberry PI] are required for the solution implementation, then the participating teams are requested to bring them on their own accord individually. No devices will be provided from the authorities.
  • The devices brought by the respective teams will be the teams’ responsibility, the authorities are not responsible for the loss of the device or any personal belongings.
  • Please make a note that it will be a full day event, the participants participating in the hackathon may not get an opportunity to participate in the other events running parallel to Bit-Quest.
  • The Judges decision will be final.
  • It is insisted that all the registered team members should be present with their respective team members on the day of the event to avoid any event conflicts.
  • It is a sponsored program; the winners will be awarded with cash price after successful completion.
  • Once registered, last moments changes shall not be allowed.
  • The usage of internet or any other resources on the final day of the event shall be prohibited.
  • Any changes or any assistance required should be informed prior to the final event with proper reasoning and code of conduct to the coordinators.

  • Please fill the Google form after registration (registration completion screenshot required for validation purposes) *any one from the team can fill the form.

Dr. Ranjitha M

Faculty Co-ordinator


Mr. Prajapati Kirtan Jatinbhai

Student Co-ordinator

+91 9875022296


Ms. Saviana Gustav

Student Co-ordinator

+91 6268454504


Mr. Ganesh R

Student Co-ordinator


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